Grove Business Park welcomes new tenants
|With the recent influx of new tenants to Grove Business Park, we are taking the opportunity to look back at the development of GBP 1. This is the first of many speculative developments, to be built as part of the site wide masterplan, continuing our ongoing collaboration with Grove Business Park.
Split over three buildings, GBP 1 contains ten industrial units delivering an overall 35,940 sqft of B1 and B8 class uses. Ranging in size from 1,975sqft to 6,757sqft, the units provide a mix of light industrial warehouse with fitted first floor offices, and flexible two storey business units suitable for industrial, office, assembly, R&D, laboratory and storage uses.
For this project, the buildings were designed as simple forms to facilitate functionality and adaptability. Materials and building methods were also chosen specifically for their ease of use, speed and offsite precision. The site layout and massing retain and enhance wider viewpoints into and out of the park, whilst creating a new community hub in the south western corner of the park.
Partially let, the new complex has now enabled the first phase of relocation and growth amongst established tenants. The refurbishment of existing building stock in conjunction with new investment has and will continue to regenerate Grove Business Park and enable future growth within the Science Vale UK enterprise zone and boost the local economy.
““The completion of GBP 1 marks the beginning of an exciting new phase of development on the park. We are looking forward to working with both local and national business to create a bespoke facility to suit their needs.” ”
Richard Lyall, Project Director at Grove Business Park
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