Planning consent granted for new Jaguar Land Rover dealerships
|As Marshall Motor Group continues to embrace the new Jaguar Land Rover concept; plans for new developments at sites in Cambridge and Ipswich have received planning consent.
Jaguar Land Rover, Cambridge
Jaguar Land Rover, Ipswitch
Cambridge and Ipswich
As one of our longstanding clients, our work with Marshall Motor Group has given us further opportunities to develop our architectural response to reinforce the Jaguar Land Rover brand. This has enabled us to interpret the client’s brief to deliver Jaguar Land Rover’s ‘ARCH’ concept at both of these locations.
The new Jaguar Land Rover building in Cambridge is the essential first phase of a wider masterplan for the area, including residential development as well as further motor dealerships. Working in the context of a mix of uses, as well as in proximity to an airport, required careful consideration to ensure that all design challenges were overcome.
The Jaguar Land Rover dealership in Ipswich is located in a prominent location on a key route in to the city. With the aim of being open for business in 2016, the team has had to work hard to ensure that the planning application process went as smoothly as possible. As part of this, the building was assessed under BREEAM requirements in order to achieve a rating of Very Good.
Both projects begin on site early in 2016.
“It has been a rewarding process to work on two concurrent projects to ensure the operational requirements of Marshall Motor Group are achieved, whilst ensuring the Jaguar Land Rover identity is utilised. We look forward to work starting on site in the New Year and seeing the result of the team’s hard work.”
The new Jaguar Land Rover Corporate Identity has been designed with three essential concepts at its core:
Transparency: Creating a legible environment to enable the customer to easily navigate their journey in and around the dealership.
Flexibility: Enabling a consist application of the corporate identity, but allowing freedom to make the most of the opportunities of each site.
- Modularity: Efficiencies are maximised by the standardisation of components where possible.