The year in review
|As we look back on another year of success at SRA, with the completion of multiple projects including the award winning, IMS-Tetsuya Nakamura Building and Bee House to the culmination of our efforts in successfully achieving B Corp certification; the end of the year is a chance to look back on the year with pride and ask, what helps make us successful?
Listening makes for long-term relationships
Recognising the opportunities that change inevitably brings, SRA was established on the basis of two client relationships; IKEA and MEPC. These relationships were built on trust, respect and a high quality service, and still are to this day. Ours is an approach that seeks to listen to clients first, before we do anything else. Only then can we hope to understand and challenge the real objectives of a project which paves the way for us to design and deliver buildings that our clients truly need.
Listen, Challenge, Refine, Enjoy
These four foundational principles have underpinned our approach and seen SRA grow and succeed over the last 30 years. New client partnerships have been formed, bringing fresh and exciting challenges, requiring us to be agile, flexible and adaptable to different client and project needs. However, our original two clients still partner with us and our relationship with each continues to go from strength to strength.
Bee House (Photos: Aurelien Langlais, courtesy of MEPC)
Adaptability & Flexibility
The importance of long-term relationships has been highlighted again in the last couple of years as we repurposed 140 Milton Park, one of our original buildings as the Bee house for MEPC. Working with the same client almost 30 years after originally developing the scheme, we still listened to MEPC’s vision for the building, making sure we were still going to deliver what they needed. The result was a creative reuse project that utilised the inherent adaptability of the original design to deliver a dynamic, award-winning new co-working hub.
Looking Ahead
We’re looking forward to the new opportunities the future holds, and will endeavour to continue to listen to our clients to ensure that we are delivering buildings that make a positive impact both for our clients and society, as part of our commitment to a sustainable future.
Enjoy a good break, and we look forward to another successful year working together!
This year, instead of mailing Christmas cards, we’re making a donation to Cancer Research UK